15 Best Organic Potting Soils

Soil is the basic need for anchoring plant roots and supplying them with water, oxygen, and nutrients. Regular garden soil is way too dense for allowing water to drain from the top of the soil to the bottom. The soil we use for pots is not as deep as garden or farm soil, and hence a better draining soil mixture is crucial in a pot than in a garden owing to the lack of depth and aeration. Potting soil is nothing but the medium for growing plants and herbs in a pot or a durable container. Potting soil or potting mix holds moisture and nutrients, helping in their absorption by the plant roots. It also provides sufficient air for growing roots allowing them to breathe. The soil has to hold a certain threshold of air for the plant roots to hold firmly, and lack of air leads to the plant’s death. The potting mix enables the holding of roots firmly to the soil, thus providing anchorage. Potting soil is of many types and has to be chosen carefully based on your plant type and needs. Potting soil is usually made of ingredients like sphagnum peat moss or calcined clay, composted organic ingredients, and vermiculite or perlite. Sphagnum peat enables moisture absorption, and composed organic ingredients help in providing the soil with nutrients. Vermiculite or perlite is used for improving the drainage. Some mixes have lime in them to balance out the pH.
Table of Contents
Difference Between Regular and Potting Soil
There are innumerous differences between potting soil and garden soils like the very wide range of acidity, fertility, and salt content of the garden soils in contrast to the potting soils. Potting soil is, however, more specific based on the type of the plant.
A few differences between regular garden soil and potting soil to make it easier for you to choose are listed below:
- Garden soils are for flower beds and gardens, whereas potting soils are designed for containers.
- Garden soil has ingredients like sand, silt, loam, rocks, and other minerals in varying proportions. In contrast, potting soil has ingredients like natural rocks, moss, composite, and plant matter and is basically referred to as soilless blend.
- Garden soils can be categorized based on the dominance of an ingredient’s composition. In contrast, potting soils are classified based on the materials used for formulating them.
- Potting soils have a better capacity in retaining water, which helps them in remaining moist for longer periods, whereas garden soils drain water more quickly and hence are better suited for outdoor plants as they require watering using a metal hose, rubber hose or expandable hoses.
- Potting soil is vastly different from garden soil in texture as soil texture is influenced by the presence of constituent ingredients. Garden soils are much heavier than potting soils. Potting soils, on the other hand, are usually less dense and light.
- One of the major advantages of using sterile potting soil is its ability to reduce the risk of introducing pathogens into the house. Soil, on the other hand, contains pathogenic organisms which are harmful to humans. Potting soil is essential for indoors as it is kid and pet friendly.
- Potting soils are more expensive than regular gardening soils and may vary greatly according to the brands.
How to choose the best potting soil?
As potting soil comes in various textures, choosing them based on your plant needs is essential.
Choose your potting soil based on the properties, plant location, and its moisture retention capability.
1. Properties
As most potting soils are used in containers, drainage is extremely essential. The required moistness in the soil varies for each plant. While some plants prefer moist soil, some plants need dry soil for thriving. Due to the presence of perlite, expanded shale, or slate, potting soils enhance drainage by creating air pockets and pores in the soil. For plants requiring soil rich in nutrients, worm castings, rice hulls, and composted additives, potting soils are an ideal choice. Fertilizers are added to increase the nutrient levels in certain potting soils. The presence of organic ingredients like worm castings and compost also raises the soil’s acidity levels. Choose a potting mix that matches these properties with the needs of the plants.
2. Plant Location and Water Retention
The location of the plant can also majorly influence your potting mix choice for a plant. Plants subjected to indirect light or shade are less capable of losing water when compared to the plants which are subjected to sunlight. The former requires a lighter potting mix, whereas the latter requires a medium-weight potting soil which is capable of holding water well. Potting mixes can be very helpful if you are away from home for long periods and cannot water them regularly as potting mixes that have water-absorbing gel granules hold and release water based on the requirements.
3. Plant/Seed’s Stage of Growth
Potting mixes used for growing trees and herbs are found to be coarser due to the addition of coarse ingredients like coarse sand, pine bark, and/or compost, and the fertilizer content in them is also higher.
Potting mix, which was created especially for seed-starting, will have lighter weight and finer texture than the ones that are used for potting trees or shrubs. Potting soil created for seed-starting usually has a large percentage of sphagnum peat moss, owing to the natural fungicidal properties that prevent damping off, a fungal disease that strikes young seedlings. Seed-starting potting soil will be light for young seedlings to emerge through it quickly. These potting soils are devoid of large chunks of bark or other materials in it, and fertilizer is present only in trace quantities in these soils. This is because the entirety of nutrition required by a new seedling is found in its endosperm, which is nothing but the fleshy material inside the seed. The endosperm, which resembles the yolk of an egg, is a source of nutrition for the young seedling. Tender young seedlings and seedling roots could cause fertilizer burns if fertilizer is present in the soil in larger amounts.
On the other hand, the texture of potty mixes for succulents and cactus is gravelly as a coarse blend is required for draining quickly and is an essential trait for plants to thrive in well-draining, sandy desert soils. Orchid blends which are used for re-potting orchid plants have ingredients like bark chips as most orchids are epiphytes that grow in trees.
Potting soil should also be chosen based on other factors like the lightness or fluffiness of the soil, the presence of ingredients like peat moss, pine bark and perlite or vermiculite, alteration in watering requirements and patterns due to the moisture-retaining capacity of the potting soil. Also, be careful of the quantity of the soil as a heavy bag of potting soil only indicates that the soil is soaked with water or the adulteration with sand.
1. Vermont Organics Reclamation Soil
This Growers’ Potting Mix is ideal for potting plants consisting of OMRI-certified ingredients like Organic Coconut byproducts and other OMRI-certified Organic material and is perfect for all varieties of indoor and outdoor potted gardens. Organic growers potting media is purely organic and is said to be earth-friendly as it aids in the curbing of climate change by appropriating more stable carbon in your garden than compost- and peat-based products. The UK Government has banned the use of peat, as it aids in the scraping of carbon from the air and moving it to the ground. This peat-free product thus indulges in the reduction of peat mining, leaving the carbon in the ground. This soil supports the protection of watersheds, which is done by retaining nutrients and reducing the presence of run-off. Also, it contains 2-4 times organic content that the content present in composts making it more nutrient-rich, thus making it work for all plant types.
This soil is light in weight. This soil helps in reclaiming damaged soil. Due to the presence of organic and natural ingredients, this soil is great for seed-starting. | This soil is excessively light lacking the ingredients required for making it a potting mix. Soil draining of this soil is not satisfactory. |
- The bag Capacity/Dry Volume of this product is 60Qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of Flowers, Fruits & Vegetables, Succulents.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- It is a type of potting soil.
- This soil is suitable for all plant types.
- This soil is peat-free and is made from natural and renewable ingredients.
Q1. Why is this soil called reclamation soil?
This soil is called reclamation soil because of the presence of coconut byproducts like coconut fiber, which is also certified by OMRI.
Q2. Can this soil be employed as a raised garden bed for vegetables?
For growing your vegetables in raised beds, this reclamation soil needs aeration (rice hulls, perlite) added and will also need other amendments (Crab meal, kelp meal, neem meal, Karanja) and rock minerals and a little more humus added to it. The soil can be used as a raised garden bed after that.
Q3. How much does 2 cu feet soil weigh?
2 cubic feet weighs around 25 lbs. Or 50 dry quarts approximately.
2. Ocean Forest 40 lbs. 6.3-6.8 Forest Potting Soil
This potting soil is excellent for containers and is everything you would need in a soil. The pH of this soil ranges from 6.3-6.8 for allowing optimal fertilizer uptake. Ocean Forest Soil is basically a package of everything your plant needs as it houses an excellent blend of components like premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. This soil enhances branching and can make you avoid nitro-fertilizers entirely. The presence of humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss make this soil light by giving it an aerated texture. This soil is ideal for growing flowers and has organic soil matter presence for enriching the growth of plants. Apart from flowers, this soil, which comes in a 38.6 qt bag, can also be used for housing herbs, vegetables, roses, shrubs and is perfect for indoor as well as outdoor plants giving us a fantastic package of nutrients and minerals for our plants.
This soil is light in weight. This soil is superior in quality. High moisture absorbing and retaining in nature. Due to the presence of organic and natural ingredients, this soil is great for seed-starting. | This soil is a bit expensive. The package seems to weigh less than claimed. |
- The bag Capacity/Dry Volume of this product is 38.6Qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of Flowers.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- It is a type of specialty soil.
- This soil is rich in nutrients and greatly supports branching.
- This soil gives the best results for all plant types.
- This soil is ideal for seed-starting in indoor plants.
Q1. Is this soil ideal for aquariums?
This soil was formulated for plants and not for aquariums.
Q2. Is this mix good for planting azaleas and blue Hydrangea in containers?
This is great for potting, although the acidity is required more for hydrangeas. Not sure about acidity for azaleas.
Q3. Can this be used for herbs or vegetables?
Yes, you can use this soil to grow herbs, vegetables, roses, shrubs, and it’s great for both indoor and outdoor plants.
3. Sphagnum Moss
This organic and long-fibered moss is perfect for soil-free gardening, basket hanging, and window boxes. This is also preferred for use in topiaries. The high moisture-holding capacity of this organic moss makes it require less watering. This moss comes in a consumer package enabling easy usage for the customers. This is an excellent medium for growing Flowers, Succulents, Trees & Shrubs. This moss was harvested using sustainable methods and is also natural and renewable. This moss is also suitable for housing carnivorous plants and is also incredibly pet-safe. The soil-free nature of this organic moss makes gardening a less messy process, thus making it garner a huge attraction amongst gardeners.
High moisture retaining capacity. Useful for growing plants during harsh summers. Makes gardening a less messy process. This moss is supreme in quality. | This moss has a strong smell. |
- The bag Capacity/Dry Volume of this product is 432 Qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of flowers, Succulents, trees, and shrubs.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- This moss requires less water due to its high moisture retaining capacity.
- This moss is completely pet-safe.
- This moss is perfect for indoor plants, ornamental plants, and plants
- growing in hanging baskets and window boxes.
Q1. Is Sphagnum Moss pet safe?
Yes, this moss is pet safe.
Q2. Will this moss start growing once it’s kept consistently damp and in a good light? Or is it completely and utterly dead?
No, it can’t grow as it is completely dead.
Q3. Can Sphagnum Moss be used for carnivorous plants?
Yes, it can be used for carnivorous plants.
4. Sheet Moss Soil Cover
This is used as an organic soil cover for decorative interior plants and is also greatly suitable for craft purposes. Sheet moss soil cover is ideal for terrariums and dish gardens. It enhances the moisture-retaining capacity of plants as it contains traces of lichens, molds, and leaves that grow along with it. This soil cover engages in preventing weed growth and is natural and renewable. This soil cover is, however, only for decorative uses and cannot be used on the ground. Regular spraying the mosses with water helps in retaining the greenish look longer. The rich decorative outlook this moss adds to the indoor ambiance is splendid, and you need to try this out to know how amazing this looks.
High moisture retaining capacity. Greatly accentuates the look of the plant and the overall ambiance of the garden or indoor space. | Turns brown quickly when exposed to sunlight. |
- The bag Capacity/Dry Volume of this product is 325 Qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of succulents.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- This moss cover adds great aesthetic value to your indoors, gardens, and terrariums.
- Prevention of weed growth is one of the best features of this moss.
Q1. Will this moss only aid in decoration?
Yes, this moss is only used for decoration and aesthetic purposes.
Q2. Can this Sheet Moss cover get wet?
Water and fertilizer do not cause any harm to the moss. Spraying with water each week helps in keeping it fresh. However, this sheet moss is intended for use as a top dressing for green plants and dish gardens. Also, it aids in the retarding of weed growth.
Q3. Can I re-pot an orchid using this?
No, it is a decorative cover, and it does not act as a growth medium. It just engages in concealing the soil.
5. Reindeer Moss in Dark Green
This moss is ideal for terrariums, dishes, and fairy gardens and is crafted amazingly for lasting beauty, all the while retaining its color and softness. Reindeer moss perfectly accentuates the indoor ambiance when used for indoor and decorating plants and is also a suitable material for crafts and school projects. The dirt in potted plants can be easily hidden using this. It can also be used as a vase filler for hiding floral stems. Also, it is a soil covering and is not a plant medium. Nevertheless, the moss is perfect for decorative purposes, and though it is not a live plant, it always looks fresh, adding great value to the ambiance, as already mentioned.
Greatly accentuates the look of the plant by its vibrant colors and the overall ambiance of the garden or indoor space. This moss can be used as a vase-filler and can also be used for hiding dirt in pots. This moss offers easy installation and multi-purposeful. This moss is of supreme quality. | The quick fading of green dye is a disadvantage. This moss falls on the slightly expensive side. |
- The weight of this product is .1875 lb.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of flowers.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- This moss cover adds great aesthetic value to your indoors, gardens, and terrariums.
- Apart from gardening, this moss can be used for crafts and school projects.
Q1. Can I use this moss for a fake plant?
Yes, this moss can be used for this application as it does not require any watering.
Q2. Can this moss be used for replanting staghorn ferns?
This moss cannot be used for this application as it is not a medium, and it can be used for decoration purposes only.
6. Phalaenopsis Mix
Phalaenopsis Mix provides moisture control and is basically used for Phalaenopsis plant and root growth. This organic and fertile mixture of Canadian chunk peat, which is blended with western fir bark, hardwood charcoal, and coarse sponge rock, is used for re-potting orchids and giving them drainage, airflow and root ventilation required for thriving. This package also comes with a list of orchid care and instructions on the back for guiding the gardeners. Phalaenopsis Mix is perfect for growing flowers and is absolutely organic.
This mix is of supreme quality. Amazing results can be seen while re-potting orchids using this mix. This mix can be bought at very reasonable pricing. | Bark pieces in the Phalaenopsis Mix are a bit larger. |
- The bag capacity/dry volume of this product is 8qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of flowers.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- This mix gives drainage, airflow, and root ventilation, which make the plants thrive.
- This moss comes at a very reasonable price for the features it offers.
Q1. Does this mixture require pre-soaking before usage?
Pre-soaking the mix before usage is advisable, although it is not mandatory.
Q2. Is this product bug-free?
Yes this mix is absolutely bug-free.
7. Living Soil Potting Mix Concentrated Blend of Earthworm Castings, Coconut coir and perlite Makes
Soil houses millions of organisms, including nematodes, beneficial bacteria, and fungi, making it rich in organic matter. Soil ecosystem is responsible for nurturing and nourishing plants and providing them a supportive medium for rooting. The sustainable process of fungal decomposition of organic matter also fuels the above mentioned nourishing of plants. This mix features a diversity of organisms that can adapt themselves to the changing conditions making it a perfect medium for housing a wide variety of plants. This, being a concentrated blend, should always be mixed in a ratio of 1:1 Living Soil Potting Mix is completely organic and is perfect for growing Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables, Succulents, Trees and Shrubs and is returnable up to 180 days from buying.
This mix is of supreme quality. This mix promotes the nutrition value of the plant and gives visible results within a short time. | This mix cannot be used right out of the bag in the case of transplanting seeds as slow-release organic fertilizer is needed. |
- The bag weight of this product is 14lb.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of Flowers, Fruits & Vegetables,
- Succulents, Trees, and Shrubs.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- This soil type is potting soil.
- The presence of organic matter in this potting soil greatly encourages the growth of microbes, which are involved in root development and nutrient uptake.
- This potting soil is ready to use straight out of the bag.
Q1. Is this potting soil 100% organic?
Yes, this soil is completely organic.
Q2. Is this okay to use in a raised garden bed for vegetables?
Yes, this mixture is perfectly suited for the questioned application and is usually used in gardens, raising beds, and container gardening.
8. Organic Potting Soil
This potting soil is made of ingredients like aged forest products, compost, worm castings, Canadian sphagnum peat, and perlite. It is completely organic, thus supporting the growth of microbes, which help in strengthening the root development and nutrient uptake. Due to the presence of ingredients like compost, Sphagnum peat, and worm castings, the moisture-retaining capacity and nutrient holding capacity of this soil mix are high. Porosity is added to the soil due to the presence of aged forest products and perlite. This soil allows more oxygen, thus enriching the growth of the plant. It is particularly great for all flowers, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and succulents. It adds a slow-release organic fertilizer while transplanting seedlings can give you better results. You can use organic potting soil for raised beds, greenhouse, and container gardening. This soil is ready to use right out of the bag and is formulated by farmers for giving your plants all the nourishment it needs.
This soil is light in weight. This soil helps in reclaiming damaged soil. Due to the presence of organic and natural ingredients, this soil is great for seed-starting. | This soil is excessively light lacking the ingredients required for making it a potting mix. Soil draining of this soil is not satisfactory. |
- The bag Capacity/Dry Volume of this product is 38.5Qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of Flowers, Fruits & Vegetables, Succulents.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- It is a type of potting soil.
- This soil is suitable for all plant types.
- This soil is peat-free and is made from natural and renewable ingredients.
Q1. Is this soil completely organic?
Yes, this soil is made from 100% natural and renewable ingredients.
Q2. What should you do while transplanting seeds?
Mixing the soil with slow-release organic fertilizer gives amazing results.
However, it is not mandatory and is completely a grower’s preference.
9. Nature Care 16qt. Organic and Natural Potting Mix with Water conserve
This potting mix is essential for thirsty plants as it is specially designed for the protection of plants against excessive watering. The presence of natural products that have moisture-holding capacities like yucca and coir make this soil absorb water like a sponge. It supports the strengthening of roots due to the presence of ingredients like alfalfa meal, kelp meal, earthworm castings, and bone meal. All of these make this soil perfect for growing potted fruits, vegetables, and flowers. This OMRI and Mulch and Soil Council certified mix is what you need if you are too afraid of over-watering and under-watering your plants.
This soil is of supreme quality. This soil is easy for mixing and using. This soil does not have a strong smell. Pricing is reasonable for this soil. This soil supports re-potting. Less frequent watering is sufficient when using this soil. | This soil is capable of insect, gnat, or fungal infection while stored. |
- The bag capacity/dry volume of this product is 16qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of flowers.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- This soil belongs to the potting soil type.
- This potting soil is all you need if you cannot water your plants every day.
- Though this potting soil requires mixing, it is quite easy to install and use.
Q1. Does this soil require mixing?
Yes, mixing this soil with regular garden soil in a 1:1 or 60% to 40% ratio can work great.
Q2. Should I water the plants daily?
Not necessary. This soil is specially formulated for less-frequent watering. Once in 2 days or 3days, the maximum can work fine.
Q3. Is this soil Mulch and Soil Council Certified?
Yes, this soil is Mulch and Soil Council certified.
10. Coco coir block of soilless growing media
These Coco Coir blocks are composed of three different types of compressed air. This can be considered as an alternative to sphagnum peat moss as it has a higher quality and lower sodium content. The instant and rapid expansion of the blocks on hydration saves you time and effort. These coir block mediums can either be used by themselves or be blended with Hydro Crunch expanded clay pebbles, perlite or topsoil. Each block makes up 18 Gal. of instant-use soil-free medium. It is completely made of organic coir and has an ideal air to water ratio. Mixing 1 part of coco coir with 1 part fine pine chip mulch 1part mushroom compost gives you a great potting mix. The high aeration and nutrient retention and its expandable size up to five times the original size make it an excellent medium for indoor as well as outdoor gardening, and it is a fantastic choice for growing your fruits and vegetables effortlessly.
The Coco-coir is of supreme quality. This coir is easy to use, clean, and install. The light weightedness of this mixture greatly promotes aeration for container gardening. This mix is great for multi-use. | The product is harder to break than one thinks. |
- The bag capacity/dry volume of this product is 5qt.
- This product is ideal for the growth of fruits and vegetables.
- The coir bricks are made of organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The coco-coir offers easier rehydration than the peat and can expand several times its weight in water and is the ideal sustainable replacement for peat.
- Easy for transportation, transplanting, and seed-starting with an abundance of nutrients that ensure the healthy growth of the plant.
Q1. What is the proportion of mixing topsoil with a 5kg block of coir?
1:1:1 ratio of coco coir, pine chip, and mushroom compost makes for great potting soil.
Q2. Can coir be used in a garden with fish?
Coco-coir shouldn’t be used for a water garden as it isn’t designed for that environment, although the medium is fine and buoyant.
11. Better Gro Dendrobium mix
This Dendrobium mix is a complex mixture of porous lava rock, western fir bark, hardwood charcoal, and coarse perlite and is specifically designed for meeting the drainage requirements of dendrobiums as it aids in providing quick drainage and good airflow for plants. This mix comes in a resealable package that has a capacity of 8 qt and is returnable up to 180 days. This mixture has a pH between 5.0 to 6.0 and is ideal for growing flowers. This can be used when re-potting dendrobiums for supporting their healthy growth. The drainage to dendrobiums is aided due to the presence of porous lava rock, western fir bark, hardwood charcoal, and coarse perlite.
This mix is of supreme quality. Amazing results can be seen while using this as a medium for growing orchids. This mix can be bought at very reasonable pricing. The porosity of this mix enables great drainage for plants. | This mix has some coarsely blended wood chips, which are too large. Also, the unblended wood chips start to grow molds after some time. |
- The bag capacity/dry volume of this product is 8qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of flowers.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- This mix gives drainage, airflow, and root ventilation, which make the orchids thrive.
- This mix renders itself for splitting and re-potting orchids.
Q1. What is the level of pH of the mix?
The pH of the mix ranges between 5.0-6.0.
Q2. Can this also be used for re-potting orchids?
Yes, this mix is perfect for re-potting orchids.
12. Better-Gro Orchid Bark
This Orchid Bark is used as a potting medium for a variety of ornamental and decorative plants like epiphytic orchids, bromeliads, ferns, and a variety of other ornamentals. This combination of specifically sized and graded grower’s choice western fir bark is ideal for potting, re-potting, or spot re-filling, and this can also be used as the base for a custom mixture.
This mix is of supreme quality. Amazing results can be seen while re-potting orchids using this mix. This mix greatly enhances aeration, moisture retention, and drainage, enabling quicker and better results. This mix can be bought at very reasonable pricing. | Bark pieces in this orchid mix are a bit larger. |
- The bag capacity/dry volume of this product is 8qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of flowers.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- This mix makes a great medium potting, re-potting, spot re-filling, and as the base for a custom mixture.
- The perfect aeration, drainage and water retention provided by this Orchid Bark and the needlessness for pre-soaking make it a go-to product for gardeners.
Q1. Does this mixture contain fertilizers?
No, this mix does not contain any fertilizers.
Q2. Can you please mention the bark size of the chips in this orchid mixture?
The bark chips have sizes about a dime ranging from 0.5″ to 1″.
13. Special Orchid Mix
This Orchid mix is completely organic and is made of ingredients like fir bark, hardwood charcoal, sponge-rock, and coarse perlite, which ensures the healthiness and longevity of the plants. It provides drainage, airflow, and root ventilation for your orchids, thus helping them grow naturally. Pre-soaking is usually not necessary as the mix in itself holds a good amount of moisture. This mix, which is endorsed by the American Orchid Society, is perfect for growing flowers and is greatly recommended by the customers for growing amazing flowers.
This mix is of supreme quality and is also multi-purposeful. This mixture renders easy installation and usage. This mix has a clean smell. Amazing results can be seen while re-potting orchids using this mix. This mix greatly enhances aeration, moisture retention, and drainage, enabling quicker and better results. | The barks are not found to be as long-lasting as the ones that are packed drier. |
- The bag capacity/dry volume of this product is 8qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of flowers.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- This mix makes a great medium potting, re-potting, spot re-filling, and as the base for a custom mixture.
- The perfect root ventilation, aeration, drainage and water retention provided by this Special Orchid Mix and the needlessness for soaking makes it a go-to product for gardeners.
Q1. Can this mix be used for growing bromeliads as they need a faster draining soil?
Orchid mixes are gravely and don’t retain water enough for growing pineapples in them. However, a combination of orchid mix and cypress mulch is seen to give good results.
Q2. Does this mixture require pre-soaking before adding new orchids in?
Soaking is not usually recommended, as it may cause too much dampness. However, the mix can be soaked before re-potting. First, stick your finger into the media, and if the media feels damp, it is better to wait for a couple of days before watering. If the media feels dry when touching, watering, which can be done for about every 7-10 days, is advisable. Do check out the instructions for soaking to know what exactly to do.
14. Expanding City Soil Complete Mix Coco Wafers
This city soil mix is all that you need as this 1 lb tube is capable of filling 18 four-inch pots when hydrated. However, it is seen to fill less than what is claimed. The wafers are packed with worm castings, mycorrhizae, kelp, and water-saving organic polymers, which promotes lush, vigorous growth of plants and enhances aeration and drainage. Flowers, fruits, vegetables, and succulents can be grown using this soil, which is completely organic. This mix is absolutely pet safe with low amounts of salts and can be greatly used for indoor and outdoor plants, which also comes in a great package.
This mix is of supreme quality and is also multi-purposeful. This mixture renders easy installation and usage. The wafers can be used for fun projects. This mix greatly enhances aeration, moisture retention, and drainage, enabling quicker and better results. | The expanded size of this wafer is felt to be a little less for filling 4 in. pots. |
- The bag capacity/dry volume of this product is 1qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of flowers.
- This soil is made from organic materials.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- The 1 lb wafer tube is easily capable of filling 18 four-inch pots and hence is perfect for indoor and outdoor plants and container gardening.
- The perfect root ventilation, aeration, drainage, and water retention provided by this Expanding City Soil Complete Mix Coco Wafers makes it a go-to product for gardeners.
Q1. Can this mix be used for growing bromeliads as they need a faster draining soil?
Orchid mixes are gravely and don’t retain water enough for growing pineapples in them. However, a combination of orchid mix and cypress mulch is seen to give good results.
Q2. Does this mixture require pre-soaking before adding new orchids in?
Soaking is not usually recommended, as it may cause too much dampness. However, the mix can be soaked before re-potting. First, stick your finger into the media, and if the media feels damp, it is better to wait for a couple of days before watering. If the media feels dry when touching, watering, which can be done for about every 7-10 days, is advisable. Do check out the instructions for soaking to know what exactly to do.
15. 1.5 cu. ft. Organic Southern Hemp Potting Soil
This potting soil was formulated using aged forest products, compost, worm castings, Canadian sphagnum peat, and coco-coir, Berger Bugs beneficial microbes, and perlite. It is completely made of organic matter which allows the microbes to enhance and strengthen root development and nutrient absorption. The presence of compost, Sphagnum peat, and worm castings give the mixture some moisture-retaining capacity to hold onto the essential nutrients. Porosity is obtained due to the presence of ingredients like aged forest products and perlite, which enables the mixing of oxygen into the plant’s root zone. It can be used instantly straight out of the bag and is ideal for most flowers, vegetables, and herbs. However, when transplanting seedlings, using slow-release, organic fertilizer is advisable. This mix is majorly used for raised beds, greenhouse and container gardening, and is formulated by farmers.
This soil is light in weight. This soil helps in reclaiming damaged soil. Due to the presence of organic and natural ingredients, this soil is great for seed-starting. | This soil is excessively light lacking the ingredients required for making it a potting mix. Soil draining of this soil is not satisfactory. |
- The bag capacity/dry volume of this product is 38.5qt.
- This soil is ideal for the growth of flowers, fruits, and vegetables.
- This package is returnable up to 180 days.
- The soil matter consists of organic ingredients only.
- This soil is suitable for all plant types and is best suited for growing hemp as it is specially formulated for that purpose.
- This soil is peat-free and is made from natural and renewable ingredients.
Q1. Is this soil completely organic?
Yes, this soil is made from 100% natural and renewable ingredients.
Q2. What should you do while transplanting seeds?
Mixing the soil with slow-release organic fertilizer gives amazing results. However, it is not mandatory and is completely a grower’s preference.
These are some of the best organic potting soils, which will surely make your garden look more beautiful and help you in having amazing plants.