20 Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

You know what’s scarier than Halloween? Trying to find the creepiest costume on the Internet that looks decent but is also inexpensive. Unfortunately, there are not many really good costumes on the web. But we in our editorial team did it for you, picking up some of the most frightening costumes.
Whether you want to fulfill your dream of playing your favorite villain, or just want to look downright creepy for Halloween this year, these scary costume ideas will make you a star attraction for the holidays. And best of all – you can make them at home with your own hands for almost free! So, watch the creepiest costumes and get creative inspiration.
Table of Contents
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#1- Dead Disney Character
The heroes of your childhood live forever…
What you need to do: Just take your favorite Disney costume, then add blood paint to it and give it a zombie makeover.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#2- Maleficent
Before King Stefan stole her wings.
What you need to do: Dress in all black, wear horns, and use dark makeup to highlight your cheekbones. Also use bright red lipstick.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#3- Creepy Ballerina
The secret of this costume is in the makeup.
What you need to do: Create the illusion of a chapped face using eyeliner to highlight different areas of the skin. Then use bronzer and foundation to fill them in. Then put on a dress and a tutu and gather your hair in a high bun. Your image is ready!
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#4- Maid
At first glance, nothing special, but for the insiders it looks creepy.
What you need to do: Wear an all red dress, red cape and black boots. Complete the look with a white cap.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#5- Tiffany by Bride Chucky
Who wants to get married?
What you need to do: A dyed wig is optional, but it looks great! Dark makeup is a great idea, plus a leather jacket. You can accessorize with a ‘Tiffany’ necklace or draw a ‘Chuck’ heart in the middle.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#6- Wicked Witch
The most iconic and terrifying witch of all.
What you need to do: paint over the entire face, chest and arms with green paint. If you don’t want to buy a witch’s hat, use black construction paper to make a cone and then glue it to the top of the hat brim cutout, which is also made from a sheet of paper. Secure the hat to your hair with bobby pins.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#7- Vampire
Bloodsuckers are popular characters for Halloween. What image of a vampire to choose – see in films and books.
What you need to do: Dress in all black, be it a black jacket, cape, or dress. Make fake blood by mixing water, corn syrup, and red food coloring. After collecting the resulting liquid in your mouth, let it flow out of the corners of your mouth, as if you had just had lunch.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#8- Evil Clown
Your childhood nightmares come to life!
What you need to do: Use makeup or face paint to create an open mouth and red nose, which in itself will scare many.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#9- Creepy Doll
Remember that doll that sits in your grandmother’s bedroom? Use this as your inspiration.
What you need to do: Braid your hair and wear a ruffled dress. Use eyeliner to round your eyes and create seams or porcelain cracks in your face.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#10- Samara Morgan
Become the creepiest girl in scary movie history by recreating Samara Morgan.
What you need to do: Wear a nightgown or a long white dress as an outfit and comb all your hair towards the front of your face. It is so simple!
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#11- Billy the Puppet
This puppet from the movie “Saw” has always attracted attention.
What you need to do: Draw the targets on the cheeks and the lines from the mouth to the chin with the help of the eyeliner. Put on a bow tie.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#12- Carrie
Making this cult classic a reality is very easy.
What you need to do: Dig out an old prom dress, or any dress you’re willing to get dirty, out of your pile. Mix red food coloring and water in a bucket and pour the solution over your head (we recommend doing this in the shower).
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#13- Rise from the Dead
This girl naturally looks like in zombie movies.
What you need to do: Wet your hair and make it hang down towards your face. Use coffee to dye your clothes to make them look aged. Use brown and black eyeshadow to create bruising and dark eyes.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#14- Evil Bunny
This is the one rabbit we definitely don’t want to hug.
What you need to do: Turn the traditionally cute bunny costume into a scary one by adding black and white face makeup and fake blood-like dye. Don’t forget the rabbit ears!
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#15- Frankenstein
Many love this iconic monster!
What you need to do: Paint your face green and draw scars on your face with an eyeliner pencil. Put on your black or green suit and you’ll be Frankenstein!
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#16- Spooky Bride
Live brides are such a cliché! Here is an interesting unusual image.
What you need to do: Wear a white dress, gloves and heels. Be sure to rub the dress and neck with fake blood and make a tulle veil.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#17- Creepy Creatures: the Devil and the Lizard
These images are sure to be appreciated by your friends and colleagues at the corporate party.
What You Need to Do: Both of these costumes require a bit of makeup magic. Focus on the creepiness of your face.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#18- Phantom Scarecrow
Scary scarecrow? Well, what do you want – Halloween is Halloween!
What you need to do: This costume is original and guarantees you individuality and public attention! Find a piece of burlap and cut out a hole for the nose, eyes, and mouth. Stick it to your face with skin glue and make up! Apply black lipstick and eyeshadow to the parts of your face that aren’t covered by burlap, and use fake blood (like red dye) as the finishing touches.
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#19- Jack Skellington
This costume could make you the centerpiece of your Halloween party.
What you need to do: Wear a black and white pinstriped shirt or just a black shirt with a white bow tie. Put on some skeletal makeup and don’t forget your trusty friend Zero!
Cool DIY Halloween Costume Ideas#20- Ghostface from Scream
Shh, don’t scream!
What you need to do: put on black clothes with a black hood! If you don’t have a “Scream” (Ghostface) mask, you can either paint the face in black and white or work with heavy paper to make the mask yourself.