How to Grow and Care for Aster Flower
For a long time, I was searching for the most beautiful flower for my garden, and my search ended at this most attractive flower that is called Aster from the family Asteraceae. It is an example of perennial flowering plants.
Let’s first talk about the perennial plants.
- These plants survive for more than two years, and flowers bloom every year for a short period, maybe for about 3 weeks.
- The perennial term refers to herbaceous green plants.
- The structure of these plants consists of a bulb and rhizomes, which let them survive for a longer period.
- They are divided into two subparts: Deciduous perennials and Evergreen perennials.
- Generally, foliage parts of the plant die in winters, but roots are still alive and regrow in the spring.
- Examples are Astilbe, Butterfly Weed, Daylilies, etc.
Difference Between Perennial Biennial and Annual Plants
Perennial plants live for over a year. They regrow alternatively. Foliage parts die while roots remain alive. Examples are Spirea, Trees. Whereas, the life-cycle of Biennial plants is of 2 years. Typically they grow in green plants 1 year and show flowers and have seeds in the 2nd year. Example: Parsley. And Annual plants are those who complete its life cycle in only 1 year—an example is a French marigold.
Aster: A Perennial Flowering Plant
Aster is one of the most wonderful blossoms. It is a star head flower, which blooms in summers and autumn. It adds color to the garden when generally, other flowers fade away. This is a very attractive and delightful flower, found in various colors like white, yellow, lavender, burgundy, purple, etc. Asters are also known as frost flowers because they’re often used in floral arrangements during the autumn and winter seasons.
Various Other Types of Asters Flower
1. New England Asters (Aster novae-angliae)
The most tremendous of all the plants in the Aster family is the New England Aster. The plants are local to North America and are one of the most widely recognized plants to blossom in fall. Barr’s Pink aster is a particularly appealing type of New England Aster because of its garish pink-shaded blossoms. Blossoms on this Aster have numerous columns of thickly pressed slim pink-hued petals that fan out in a star shape. The focal point of the bloom has a differentiating bronze center, giving this Aster the great ‘daisy look.’
2. New York Asters (S. Novi-belgii)
There are numerous assortments of New York asters accessible. Their blossoms range from brilliant pink to pale blue-purple and perhaps double, semi-double, or single.
3. Heath Asters (S. ericoides)
A Heath Aster is a low-developing ground spread (like creeping phlox) with little, white blossoms.
Care and Maintenance of Aster
1. Water
When setting up, they require small watering, except if conditions have gotten strangely dry and the plants give indications of stress. New York aster (Symphyotrichum Novi-belgii) cultivars have shallow roots and may require more incessant watering throughout the late spring, particularly when planted in free-depleting soils. Keep the soil damp, yet not immersed. Mulching to diminish water misfortune is a significant system for forestalling malady.
2. Treating
A few gardeners started that a layer of natural mulch will provide with all the supplements they need, while others recommend a light utilization of a natural compost toward the beginning of their developing season. Try not to apply compost once they have begun blooming as it might abbreviate the blossom time.
3. Dividing
Regardless of whether you’re dividing to control the size or to proliferate them, do it in spring just as new shoots are rising. This will give them the whole developing season to defeat the stun. The recurrence of division shifts relying upon the species and cultivar; however, most will profit by division each 2 to 4 years.
4. Pests and Diseases
In certain zones, foliar rust and powdery mildew can be an issue, while lace bugs represent the greatest danger with regards to bother harm.
Pinching back stems, or deadheading, several times before mid-July helps to control plant height, promote bushing, and encourages blooming throughout the entire season. Leave a few wilted blooms at the end of the season if you want them to self-sow.
The aster flower conveys a variety of connotations, yet all in all, the flower, for the most part, speaks about love, wisdom, and confidence. In Victorian culture, the Aster speaks to modesty, persistence, and appeal. At the point when consumed, the scent radiated by the asters is known to avert serpents. The aster flower arrives in a variety of hues, with various colors conveying various impressions.
Purple Asters represent intelligence and sovereignty and is the most famous color. White Asters represent virtue and blamelessness; Red Asters represent undying dedication, and Pink Asters represent affectability and love.
Many seasonal divas in the perennial garden can be tricky to tend, not so the native asters. This group of bloomers infuses low-maintenance beauty into the scenery. Asters have good winter hardiness, reliably surviving winters in Zones 4 to 8. As with most perennials, winter survival hinges on having aster plants in the right type of soil.
The plant can be utilized in numerous places, for example, in borders, rock gardens, or wildflower gardens. Asters additionally draw in honey bees and butterflies, giving the pollinators a significant late-season supply of nectar.