4 Easy DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

In this article, I am going to guide you how to create 4 easy DIY Halloween costumes. They’re super affordable to make, and they’re also more appropriate for those of you who don’t like to dress up as something really scary because they are quite cute, and not scary at all.
Table of Contents
Easy DIY Halloween Costume Idea#1- Reindeer
For the first costume, all you need is two branches, a headband, and also some masking tape.
- The first step is you need to do is basically wrap the sellotape around the headband as well as the branch to attach the two together.
- You may find this quite difficult to do, when you didn’t cut off the sellotape. So, I would suggest to first cut off the sellotape from the actual roll and then roll this around, it just makes life so much easier.
- Basically what you want to do is just keep wrapping the tape around the branch, then this is going to give it a really nice and shiny texture, and you won’t be able to tell that it’s actual branches.
- Once your antlers are finished, you need to move on to the makeup portion. So, you need to take a bronzer and bronze up the face, most of your cheekbones and your temples.
- You also need to contour your nose as well as the hollows of your eyes. For the highlight, basically you need to highlight the cheekbones, nose bridge, and forehead.
- Then you need to create the deer nose using a black eyeliner and also, accentuate the inner corners with the same eyeliner to make your eyes appear more animalistic.
- Then take the same contour stick that you used previously and create little white dots around the cheekbone area, and this is really going to give it that deer effect. This makeup is so simple but I think it’s really cute.
- Now, all there’s left to do is put on a all brown outfit and you are good to go.
Easy DIY Halloween Costume Idea#2- Minnie Mouse
For the next costume, we’re going to be creating is a Minnie Mouse a headband.
- Firstly take a scissor and cut out a black foam in two ear shapes. You can take the first ear as the stencil for the second one, so that they are identical.
- Next, what you need to do is take your ears and cut them into a rounded edge, so that they fit the headband a lot better. Then take some super glue, and attach the ears onto the headband.
- Once that’s done, take some red felt and start to fold that into like a harmonica shape. So, fold it one side, flip it over, folding it again, and then flipping it over, and folding it again.
- Once that’s done, take another thin strand of red felt material, and wrap that around the middle of our bow. Then just cut off the edges to make the bow look more rounded.
- Moving on to the makeup, this one is super simple. All you need to do is draw a round circle on the tip of your nose like Minnie Mouse’s and apply some red lipstick.
- To finish off the look, you need to put on something black or polka dot or red.
Easy DIY Halloween Costume Idea#3- Unicorn
The next costume is a unicorn costume. Don’t we all love unicorns? Yes, we do. So what you want for this is some metallic card.
- You need to cut a triangular cone shape out of the metallic card, fold that into a round cone, and glue it together.
- Next, take some white felt, and wrap this around the cone to add a little bit of detail to our horn, and I think this adds a really nice touch.
- Now, we’re just gonna glue this onto the headband, and that is the unicorn headband done.
- Moving on to the wings, use the same metallic cardboard, and map out the shape of the wings and then cut it out. Then use the first wing as a stencil for the second one so that they are identical.
- Next, repeat the same step but make the wing slightly smaller. We’re basically creating three layers of the wings to add a little bit of dimension to the wings.
- Moving on to the unicorn makeup, what you need to do is just apply some pink lipstick, some pink blush, and a heck load of highlight. You are basically recreating the highlight challenge for this makeup. You just want to have a really nice glow to your face, that’s very unicorn like.
Easy DIY Halloween Costume Idea#4- Wind-Up Doll
The last costume is a wind-up doll. So for this, you’re going to need a gold or bronze cardboard sheet.
- The first thing you need to do is cut out a rectangle and and roll this up into a tube, and glue it together.
- Next you need to draw out wind-up portion of the wind-up doll. Actually, it kind of looks like an eight. Then you need to just cut this out.
- Then make a little tab to attach the number eight to the tube, and glue them together with superglue.
- Once that’s done, you just need to glue this to a belt and that is the finished DIY.
- Moving on to the doll makeup, you need to apply some pink lipstick.
- Then, you need to drawing some lines coming down from the corners of the mouth to your chin, and this basically replicates the look of a ventriloquist doll.
- Then add some freckles to your face using a brown liner and apply some pink blush to finish off the look. That’s it, you are done with your last Halloween costume. It’s so simple but it’s really cute.