How to Do Ghost Halloween Makeup: Nun Valak

For this Halloween let’s do something creepy and scary because after all Halloween is all about horror things. So, here I am going to explain you abut the “Nun Valak” look from the movie “Conjuring 2”.
It is super super easy because it is messy and it doesn’t have to be perfect. And make sure to use it’s picture as reference to get the perfect idea for the makeup.
Material required:
- White face paint
- Black fave paint
- Translucent powder
- Black matte eye shadow
- Gray eye shadow
- Lenses
- Nun unveil
Let’s start the Makeup:
Step: 1
Then take white paint and apply that all over the face with a big beauty blender. It is best for applying face paint because it will give you an even base.
Step: 2
Then take white translucent powder and set everything in place and make sure that your face paint doesn’t come off throughout the night.
Step: 3
Then take black matte shadow on a flat brush and apply to all over the lid and up to the brow bone to cover the whole area also drag shadow low down underneath your lower lash line.
Step: 4
Also drag it up above your eyebrows and low down onto the hollow parts of your eyes. With this trick you don’t have to use any glue on your broes.
Step: 5
For next step take some black face paint and apply onto the lip like wherever you want the black smudge lipstick to be. To set that in place use same black shadow and go over it and make sure that it stays.
Step: 6
Then take same black shadow on thinner brush and apply to your cupids bow to make it a little bit more accentuated and also draw line down the center of your nose.
Step: 7
Then take the black shadow around the nostrils. To change the shape of your nose take that black shadow and curve it around the outline of your nostril. It will make the nose more pointed like the nuns in the movie.
Step: 8
Then take gray eye shadow and blend out any harsh edges around the eye area and also the black eyelid. Then with big blending brush contour your nose with same grey shade. It will definitely help you to change the shape of your nose and make it look like the nuns.
Step: 9
Then with precise brush and black shadow accentuate in your nostrils to make it look more creepy and little bit more elongated as well.
Step: 10
Then apply some texture to your face to make it look more scary. For that wet a highlighter brush with some black face paint and crate little dots all over the skin and make it look a lot more rough.
Step: 11
To diffuse this texture blend it little bit more into your forehead. Then with beauty blender and white face paint dab over the area.
Step: 12
For more detailing with black eye shadow create some black lines across your forehead, your eyes, around your lips because nuns has few scars on her face.
Step: 13
For prominent smile like Valak draw two lines to the edges of your nostrils and with shading technique make this look more realistic. She has a lot of lines and wrinkles on her face so do the same thing to look more scary.
Step: 14
Next gray and black eye shadow mix together on a bigger fluffy brush and contour your face because nun has a sunken and hollow face.
Lastly wear circle lenses to change your eye color to make it look like the nuns and also put on nun unveil. If you want you can also add creepy teeth, but this is totally optional.