Transform yourself into Maleficent on this Halloween

Here we are going to show you how to do this Maleficent transformation just in time for Halloween. To complete the look you can buy Maleficent costume, feathers and horns online. It is easily available and very affordable.
Things you need:
- Primer
- Foundation
- Concealer
- Loose setting powder
- Contour
- Makeup brush set
- Eye shadow palette
- Brow pencil
- Black eyeliner
- Mascara
- Full eye lashes
- Lip liner
- Russian red lipstick
Face Makeup
Step 1: Start by priming your face to smooth out your fine lines and wrinkles. And it will also help your makeup last a little bit longer.
Step 2: For your Maleficent skin tone use high coverage foundation. So, you can get brand new skin tone. Then apply concealer to the usual area where you highlight and also to your cheek bone area.
Step 3: Then take cream contour and start applying to the contour starting from the outer portion of the cheek bone and take it all the way down. Apply cheek bone contour much higher then normally to emphasize pointed Maleficent cheek bone cut. Also apply some on bridge of the nose and the eye brows, also around the nose, on forehead, under your chin and underneath your jaw line. With your foundation brush blend out everything.
Step 4: Now with setting powder set your under eye and make sure that there are no creases. Also make sure to not touch ant of the contour areas.
Step 5: For the contour take angular brush and a light brown shade. Then gently hollowing out the contour. Also use fluffy brush between to blend out when it needs. Then take translucent setting powder and add a very light layer to this entire area just to seal it in place and to keep it from moving.
Step 6: Then take that angular brush again and chisel out the cheek bones. don’t be afraid to go a little bit over board for this Maleficent look. Take that brown shade and darken out your forehead
Step 7: Then take precise contouring brush with dark brown shade and apply to the edge of the contour, this is what is gonna make that cheek bone look extra Maleficent and extra sharp.
Step 8: With the same brush and light brown shade add a pinch more to the top and blend out. Then with little bit more rounded brush blend that 2 shade together seamlessly into the hollow of the cheek area. Then with loose setting powder trace out that edge of the contour.
Eye Makeup
Step 1: Then for the brows, brush out your brows upwards and start tracing out the shape. Give proper shape to your brows with brown brow pencil.
Step 2: Then take small fluffy brush and light brown shade. Apply that to much higher on your brow bone, to the beginning of the brows. Also add a bit more to the outer corner. Try to keep this line parallel to the cheekbone line.
Step 3: Then with the crease brush and chocolate brown shade define the lower portion of the brow bone, keep most shade on the outer corner. Then take clean brush and diffuse those 2 shades into each other. For the brow bone use white bone shade and apply it to under brow a little bit.
Step 4: Then take tine little brush with dark brown shade and apply it to groove and meet with the lash line. Then blend out with blending brush. Then take pale taupe shade and packing brush and pack that on to the rest of the lid. Then with the same shade used for outer corner add a thin line of eye liner to top lash line.
Step 5: Then take black pencil and do your waterline. Then with that light brown shade and seal that line in the inner portion and with dark brown add that to the middle of the lower lash line. Apply mascara to top and bottom lashes and put on full lashes.
Lips Makeup
Then with the maroon lip liner draw a outline to your lip. And very slightly turn the corners of the mouth like Angelina. Then apply Russian red lipstick.