20 Last-minute Halloween Costume Ideas

In this article, you are going to get 20 last-minute Halloween costume ideas. 20 is a lot but I personally like to have a bunch of different options to choose from. So, I thought it would be the best way to give you guys a lot of options. If you’re reading this article and looking for a costume idea, hopefully, at least one out of these 20 is a good match for you. So, there are a ton of different options for you.
Table of Contents
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#1- 80’s Workout Girl
The first costume is an 80’s workout girl. This was my go-to costume in high school because it is so easy and fun, and I loved all the bright colors. You’re gonna need some bright colored workout shorts, tights, and a sports bra. The more neon, the better. Then you need to get any neon sweatshirt and then cut the neck out of it to give it that 80’s off-the-shoulder look. Throw on some leg warmers and a scrunchie and you’re ready to go.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#2- Athlete
Next up, you can be an athlete. You can go with any sport, I went with a baseball player here. So, just wear a baseball t-shirt and a hat. You can also bring along some fun props like a baseball glove or a bat, just to kind of bring it all together. Another option is if you’ve ever played a sport, just throw on your jersey and you’re done. This is the easiest costume ever.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#3- Hogwarts Student
Third costume is the Hogwarts student. For this one, you’re just going to need a gray sweater in a black skirt which is kind of similar to what they wear in the movie. Then just dress it up with some Hogwarts accessories, and you probably already have the wand and the scarf and anything anyways.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#4- Crazy Cat Lady
I got pretty inventive with this one, a crazy cat lady. If you don’t want to go with one of the stereotypical last-minute costumes, this is the costume for you. Take an old bathrobe, and a hot glue some stuffed cats to it. Then tie your hair up in some curlers, and you’ve got the perfect crazy cat lady costume.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#5- Identity Thief
Costume number five is super bunny. So, glue a bunch of name tags onto an old t-shirt and you’re an identity thief. This one takes like two dollars, and zero efforts and it usually gets a lot of laughs. So, it’s definitely a great one, if you’re super last-minute.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#6- Ninja Turtle
If you aren’t big on getting dressed up in a costume, just wear a green shirt, and a ninja turtle hat, and you are a ninja turtle. It’s cute and fun, but it doesn’t take much and the only thing that you actually have to buy is the hat.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#7- Brawny Man
Number seven is the brawny paper towel man. Just wear a red flannel and carry around a roll of paper towels with you.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#8- Han Solo
If you’re a star Wars fan going on Solo, all you need is a white long-sleeve shirt, black vests, and black jeans. This costume is so easy, and it’s really recognizable, and you probably already have everything for it in your closet. You also get to quote Star Wars all night which is kind of favorite thing ever for most of people.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#9- Tacky Tourist
If you’re an eccentric personality like me, go is a tacky tourist. Pull together the worst outfit that you can from your closet, Hawaiian shirts, fanny packs, mom shorts, dizzy hair. The tackier, the better. Then you get to dance around like a dork all night, and it’s a blast. But don’t forget your socks with sandals, those are the must one.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#10- Risky Business
Number 10 risky business dress up as the Tom Cruise character from Risky Business and dance around in your underwear all night. You need to wear a white dress shirt or some spandex underneath, and threw on some high white socks and it was finished.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#11- Sleep Walker
Next one is for the lazy Halloween girls, a sleepwalker. Just wear your pajamas, and a sleep mask and walk around like a zombie all night.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#12- Domino
If you want to be something a little bit more unique, go as a domino. Glue some white felt circles onto a black dress, and you’re done. If you’re in even more of a rush, just do it with tape and white paper, it takes 30 seconds and it makes a great costume.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#13- Minion
Another one of all our favorites, be a minion. I love this costume, it is so cute and you may not feel like want to take it off. You’re going to need a yellow shirt, hat, and tights and then some sort of jeans on the bottom like shorts or overall. This is also a really great last-minute group costume. You and your friends can all get together and be minions together and you probably already have like everything you need in your closet except maybe the yellow tights. You might have to buy those.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#14- Cowboy
The next costume idea is you could be a cowboy. All you’re going to need for this one is a cowboy hat, a flannel, and you’re ready for Halloween.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#15- Superhero
If you’ve got a superhero cape, you are already halfway to be a superhero. Just get a cape and a mask, and you can actually easily make your own mask with a piece of felt, and some elastic. Don’t forget to come up with an awesome name, and superhero power for yourself.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#16- Basic Girl
This next one is hardly even a costume for lazy girl like me because I live every day of my life like this. But you can be a basic girl. Find a super basic shirt, tie a flannel around your waist, wear yoga pants, and you are basic. Don’t forget the basic girl essentials though, a pumpkin spice latte and your phone.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#17- 50 Shades of Grey
Back to funny costumes because I think this one is so funny, 50 shades of grey. Instead of dressing up like all sexy, just wear a grey shirt and hot glue a bunch of gray paint swatches to it. This one might take a minute for people to get, but once they get it they will not be able to stop laughing.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#18- Runaway Bride
We are on the homestretch number 18, a runaway bride. All you need is a white dress, wedding veil, and some running shoes, and you’re ready to run from the altar.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#19- Nudist on Strike
If you are seriously last-minute like walking out the door and don’t have a costume, grab a piece of cardboard, write “Nudist on Strike” on it, and that is your costume. It’s really funny, it always makes people laugh, but it keeps you from being that like one lame person who didn’t want to dress up.
Last-minute Halloween Costume Idea#20- A Cat
Number 20, the last costume. Just grab some animal ears, wear a black dress, and draw on your whiskers, and you’re ready to go for Halloween.