Pokemon Snap Guide

Do you think you are the best Pokémon photographer and that you have been able to unravel all the secrets that this game hides? Discover with this guide how to make all the Pokémon that are hidden in each phase appear.
Table of Contents
Area 1: Beach
- There are a total of 12 Pokémon in this area.
- There is a Pokémon sign (Kingler).
- Tempt Pikachu with apples until you take him to the surfboard for a photo with extra points.
- Use the Pester Ball to get Scyther out of hiding. Then it will scare 2 Pikachu that will go to the logs. Use your Poké-Flute to piss them off and get an amazing photo.
- Take a photo of every Lapras you see, and when you see Kangkaskhan looks a little to the right, and you will see a great close-up of Lapras.
Area 2: Tunnel
- Unlocked after completing Area 1, the Beach.
- There are a total of 12 Pokémon in this area.
- There is a Pokémon sign (Pinsir’s Shadow).
- Take 2 quick shots of Pikachu, and it will jump on top of an Electrode for a fabulous shot.
- Bring Pikachu closer to the big egg, then tap your Poké-Flute to piss him off, and it will break the egg to reveal Zapdos!
- Take a photo of Diglett. It will move around, take another photo, do the same one more time, and many Dugtrio will appear.
- Bring the 3 Magnémites together to evolve into Magneton.
Area 3: Volcano
- Unlocked after completing Area 2, the Tunnel, exiting through the secret exit activated by the Electrode.
- There are a total of 10 Pokémon in this area.
- There is a Pokémon sign (Koffing-shaped Gas).
- When you see the giant egg (don’t hit it), bring the 2 Charmander to your left close with apples. They will scream, and 4 more Charmander will come. Bring everyone close with apples and grind and feed them for good photos.
- When you see the 2 Magmar, throw an apple near the two, and they will fight to see who gets the apple. This means extra points!
- Throw Pester Balls into the lava holes near the end, and Growlithe and Arcanine will pop out of them!
- Throw Charmeleon into the lava to evolve into Charizard!
Area 4: River
- Unlocked after completing Area 3, the Volcano.
- There are a total of 12 Pokémon in this area.
- There is a Pokémon sign (Cubone Tree).
- Drop an apple in front of the log on your left towards the beginning of the path to find a cute Bulbasaur.
- Lead the Slowpoke towards the Shellder signs to evolve them into Slowbro!
- When you see things moving near the red button, throw Pester Balls at them, and Porygon will appear.
- Take a picture of the Pikachu near the end. It will run at full speed. Take a photo, and you will get extra points.
Area 5: Cave
- Unlocked after completing Area 3, Rio, when Porygon activates the secret exit with a switch.
- There are a total of 13 Pokémon in this area.
- There is a Pokémon sign (Mewtwo Constellation).
- Take a photo of every Zubat you see, and in the end, 3 Zubat will come right to you for a high-point photo.
- Take a photo of the first 2 Grimes you see, and then throw Pester Balls at the third to make it evolve.
- Speed up to save Koffing’s first Jigglypuff using apples. Turn right and save the other one, then go forward and save the last one. It will take you some time to practice with apples. In the end, there will be 3 Jigglypuffs: one will be singing, and the other 2 will be dancing. Take photos for extra points.
- Throw Weepinbell into the pool to make him evolve into Victreebel.
- Throw apples at the Zubat carrying Pikachu until Pikachu is released. Pikachu will float on balloons. Take photos for extra points. Then open the black egg using the Poké-Flute. Turn back and look at Pikachu, who is near the egg. Make sure to turn around as doing this slows down. Keep waiting, and from one moment to the next, you will see Pikachu flying over Articuno, who was born from the black egg that you broke.
Area 6: Valley
- Unlocked after completing Area 5, the Cave.
- There are a total of 13 Pokémon in this area.
- There is a Pokémon sign (Mount Dugtrio).
- Throw Pester Balls at the floating shells. They are Squirtles.
- Throw the 2 Geodude under the rock, and the Graveler will fall, causing a Sandslash to appear!
- Play a song in front of the 3 Travelers, and they will dance for extra points.
- When the red dot of your camera focuses on the Staryu, take a photo, and they will follow you. They will then fly into a whirlpool which will make them evolve into Starmie.
- Throw 3 Pester Balls into the whirlpool to make Dragonite appear!
- Hit the last Squirtle with a Pester Ball right when it is in front of you and shoot Mankey. Keep walking, and you will find Mankey. Get up close and take him down with a Pester Ball to reveal the secret path.
- At first, you will see a Magikarp jump a couple of times. Remember where it is and throw a Pester Ball, and it will jump out until it reaches Mankey, who will hit it. When you arrive with the 3 Travelers, you will see Magikarp again. Hit it with a Pester Ball to make it evolve into Gyarados.
Area 7: Rainbow Cloud
- Only after photographing all the Pokémon Signs is this level accessible.
- This is the trick to photographing Mew. Throw apples at Mew’s shield until it breaks. Mew will then come out of his shield and chase him. Keep throwing apples until you hit Mew. Mew will go around a lot and get closer and closer. Good luck and try to beat the 11560 points in this photo!